Nanit Pro Kamera
Mød verdens mest avancerede babyalarm med sensorfri vejrtrækningsbevægelsesovervågning .

Nanit Pro Kamera
Mød verdens mest avancerede babyalarm med sensorfri vejrtrækningsbevægelsesovervågning .
- 1080p HD video
- Overhead bird’s-eye view
- See baby from anywhere
- Sound and motion alerts
- Sleep tracking and analytics*
- Sensor-free Breathing Motion Monitoring
- Developmental Milestones: Baby's big moments captured*
What's included:
- Pro Camera
- Floor Stand
- Small sensor-free Breathing Band (0-3 months)
- Introductory trial of Sleep Plan included, which includes personalized tips to help you improve baby’s sleep via our app
* Insights subscription required
- Floor Stand Dimensions: 10 x 23.5 x 65.6 inches
- Camera Security: 256-bit AES encryption
- ASTM-certified cord cover provides added safety near the crib
- Compatibility: iOS, Android, iPadOS, Apple Mac with M1 Chip, and Amazon Echo Show
- HSA/FSA eligible
The perks of Insights analytics
Nanit Insights unlocks the power of your baby’s sleep data recorded by the Pro Camera. Each camera purchase comes with an introductory trial of the Insights Sleep plan. Our plan levels are:
Insights Basic
Our introductory plan
- 2 days of video clips and sleep analysis
- Personalized sleep tips
- Memories (save up to 12 in baby book)
- Alert Zone
- Breathing Motion Monitoring
- Growth tracking with Smart Sheets
- Access for 2 users on your parenting team
Insights Premium
Our most popular plan. All Basic level features, PLUS:
- 30 days of video clips and sleep analysis
- Memories (save up to 200 in baby book)
- 2 days of Full Video History
- Watch Them Grow
- Access for up to 10 users on your parenting team
Insights Ultimate
- Our deluxe, top-tier plan gives you unlimited access. All Premium level features, PLUS:
- Unlimited days of video clips AND sleep analysis
- One-on-one sleep coaching consultation*
- Memories (unlimited number of saves in baby book)
- 7 days of Full Video History
- Developmental Milestones
- Head and body position tracking
- Movement score
- Access for up to 50 users on your parenting team
*Currently in beta testing
- 1080p HD video
- Overhead bird’s-eye view
- See baby from anywhere
- Sound and motion alerts
- Sleep tracking and analytics*
- Sensor-free Breathing Motion Monitoring
- Developmental Milestones: Baby's big moments captured*
What's included:
- Pro Camera
- Wall Mount
- Small sensor-free Breathing Band (0-3 months)
- Introductory trial of Insights Sleep Plan included with purchase, Sleep Plan includes personalized tips to help you improve baby’s sleep via our app
- Wall Mount Dimensions: 4.2 x 3.3 x 8 inches
- Camera Security: 256-bit AES encryption
- ASTM-certified cord cover provides added safety near the crib
- Compatibility: iOS, Android, iPadOS, Apple Mac with M1 Chip, and Amazon Echo Show
- HSA/FSA eligible
The perks of Insights analytics
Nanit Insights unlocks the power of your baby’s sleep data recorded by the Pro Camera. Each camera purchase comes with an introductory trial of the Insights Sleep plan. Our plan levels are:
Insights Basic
Our introductory plan
- 2 days of video clips and sleep analysis
- Personalized sleep tips
- Memories (save up to 12 in baby book)
- Alert Zone
- Breathing Motion Monitoring
- Growth tracking with Smart Sheets
- Access for 2 users on your parenting team
Insights Premium
Our most popular plan. All Basic level features, PLUS:
- 30 days of video clips and sleep analysis
- Memories (save up to 200 in baby book)
- 2 days of Full Video History
- Watch Them Grow
- Access for up to 10 users on your parenting team
Insights Ultimate
- Our deluxe, top-tier plan gives you unlimited access. All Premium level features, PLUS:
- Unlimited days of video clips AND sleep analysis
- One-on-one sleep coaching consultation*
- Memories (unlimited number of saves in baby book)
- 7 days of Full Video History
- Developmental Milestones
- Head and body position tracking
- Movement score
- Access for up to 50 users on your parenting team
*Currently in beta testing
Ultimate portability and flexibility
- 1080p HD video
- See baby from anywhere
- Sound and motion alerts
- Sensor-free Breathing Motion Monitoring
What's included:
- Nanit Pro Camera
- Flex Stand
- Small sensor-free Breathing Band (0-3 months)
- Introductory trial of Insights Sleep Plan included with purchase, Sleep Plan includes personalized tips to help you improve baby’s sleep via our app
- Flex Stand Dimensions: 3.5 x 3.5 inches
- Camera Security: 256-bit AES encryption
- Compatibility: iOS, Android, iPadOS, Apple Mac with M1 Chip, and Amazon Echo Show
- HSA/FSA eligible
The perks of Insights analytics
Nanit Insights unlocks the power of your baby’s sleep data recorded by the Pro Camera. Each camera purchase comes with a FREE trial of Insights Sleep Plan. Our plan levels are:
Sleep Plan
Our introductory plan
- 2 days of video clips and sleep analysis
- Personalized sleep tips
- Memories (save up to 12 in baby book)
- Alert Zone
- Breathing Motion Monitoring
- Growth tracking with Smart Sheets
- Access for 2 users on your parenting team
Memories Plan
Our most popular plan. All Basic level features, PLUS:
- 30 days of video clips and sleep analysis
- Memories (save up to 200 in baby book)
- 2 days of Full Video History
- Watch Them Grow
- Access for up to 10 users on your parenting team
Milestones Plan
- Our deluxe, top-tier plan gives you unlimited access. All Premium level features, PLUS:
- Unlimited days of video clips AND sleep analysis
- Memories (unlimited number of saves in baby book)
- 7 days of Full Video History
- Developmental Milestones
- Head and body position tracking
- Movement score
- Access for up to 50 users on your parenting team
*Currently in beta testing

Mød verdens mest avancerede babyalarm
Nanits prisvindende kamera overvåger babys vejrtrækning, sporer bevægelser og giver forældre et krystalklart billede af næsten alt, hvad der sker i og omkring vuggen. Resultatet? Bedre nætter (og dage) for hele familien.
- Nu tilgængelig i Sverige, Norge, Danmark og Finland

Breathing Wear
Vi har designet sensorfri baby-åndedrætsmonitor inspireret af den blide berøring af en hånd på babys bryst. Vores teknologi sporer bevægelse, så den kan reagere hurtigt på ændringer, meget på samme måde, som en forælder ville. (Plus er den super sød og behagelig!)
Hvad adskiller Nanit

1080p HD-video

Se baby hvor som helst

Lyd- og bevægelsesalarmer

256-bit AES-kryptering

Temperatur og fugtighed

2-vejs lyd til at tale med baby

Hvid støj og beroligende lyde

Sov, nyskabt
Din families vej
til bedre søvn
Velkommen til en klassens bedste oplevelse, der bruger ægte, personlig data til at sikre, at forældre føler sig forbundet, informeret og støttet.
Stadig udviklende,
konstant nyskabende.
Vores app er fyldt med vigtige og nye funktioner til at guide dig, baseret på feedback fra betroede Nanit-familier.

Stress mindre funktioner
- Fuld videohistorik* - Få adgang til din videohistorik, og se babys mønstre
- Split Screen - Se to børn på én enhed samtidigt
- Billede i billede - Gå aldrig glip af et beat, mens du multitasking
- Se dem vokse* - Babys månedlige milepæle, automatisk optaget
*Insights Premium-funktion

Nanit forældre får 36 flere nætter søvn om året
- Søvneffektivitetsscore - Se kvaliteten af babys snooze-sessioner
- Daglige, ugentlige, månedlige analyser - Få det store overblik med ét blik
- Opsummeringer af lur og nat - Se og juster søvnrutiner til fantastiske dage
- Bevægelseskort - Travle kroppe fanget på kamera!

Fakta: 71 % af Nanit-forældrene rapporterer, at de føler sig mindre ængstelige
- Hold forbindelsen fra hvor som helst
- Ved, hvornår din baby har brug for dig
- Overvågning af vejrtrækningsbevægelser
- Forbind dit forældreteam
Hvilken stand er bedst for dig?

Bedst til: Små rum og forskellige scener (vask til vugge til seng). Det opdaterede, holdbare gulvstativ giver dig frihed til at bruge det i næsten ethvert babysoverum, med forbedret stabilitet.

Flex stativ
Bedst til: Familier på farten! Flyt Pro-kameraet fra rum til rum, eller pak det sammen (til legeaftaler, rejser, bedstemors) for at få en 130° visning på få sekunder.
Tag ikke bare vores ord for det

"Vi ELSKER vores Nanit. Den advarer os om enhver støj, giver en timelapse og lader os opdele skærm, så vi kan se begge vores børn. Kan varmt anbefales."
"Fantastisk forbindelse. Klart billede. Nyttig indsigt. Dette er langt det bedste babykamera på markedet."
"Vi elsker de ekstra funktioner. Tilsætningerne af natlys og hvid støj er meget praktisk og rart at have indbygget."