Nanit pyjamas
När du utrustar ditt barn i vår pyjamas i 100 % bomull för tupplurar och nattliga zzz's, hjälper du dem inte bara att bli bekväma i sängen, du hjälper dig själv också. Med Nanit som övervakar barnets andetag kan föräldrar hämta andan.

Nanit pyjamas
När du utrustar ditt barn i vår pyjamas i 100 % bomull för tupplurar och nattliga zzz's, hjälper du dem inte bara att bli bekväma i sängen, du hjälper dig själv också. Med Nanit som övervakar barnets andetag kan föräldrar hämta andan.
The custom-designed pattern on all of our Breathing Wear works with the Pro Camera’s patented computer vision technology to safely detect your baby’s breathing motion in any sleep position–without any sensors, electronics, or radars!–and sends real-time alerts should your little one need you.
Why parents love them:
- No sensors, electronics or radars
- Real-time alerts sent to the camera and the app*
- Breathing motion detected in almost any sleeping position
*Nanit is not a medical device. Nanit is a connected product designed and intended to continuously learn from the data it collects to help you understand your baby's sleep patterns. It is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease or other condition, including but not limited to, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). False positive or false negative readings about your baby’s breathing patterns are a potential risk of Nanit. Height measurements are assessed using computer vision algorithms and are estimated - Nanit makes no guarantee that they are 100% accurate. Medical decisions should never be made using Nanit growth data. Nanit should not substitute for the care and oversight of an adult or consultation with medical professionals.
- Made of soft, 100% cotton that’s machine-washable and dryer-safe
- Fits size newborn to 9 months with snug, secure fit
- Two-way zipper for fast, late-night diaper changes
- HSA/FSA eligible
The perks of Insights analytics
Nanit Insights unlocks the power of your baby’s sleep data recorded by the Pro Camera. Each camera purchase comes with one FREE year of Insights. Our plan levels are:
Insights Basic
Our introductory plan
- 2 days of video clips and sleep analysis
- Personalized sleep tips
- Memories (save up to 12 in baby book)
- Split Screen
- Alert Zone
- Picture in Picture
- Breathing Motion Monitoring
- Growth tracking with Smart Sheets
- Access for 2 users on your parenting team
Insights Premium
Our most popular plan. All Basic level features, PLUS:
- 30 days of video clips and sleep analysis
- Memories (save up to 200 in baby book)
- Continuous Video Recording
- Watch Them Grow
- Access for up to 10 users on your parenting team
Insights Ultimate
- Our deluxe, top-tier plan gives you unlimited access. All Premium level features, PLUS:
- Unlimited days of video clips AND sleep analysis
- One-on-one sleep coaching consultation*
- Memories (unlimited number of saves in baby book)
- Developmental Milestones
- Head and body position tracking
- Movement score
- Access for up to 50 users on your parenting team
*Currently in beta testing
The custom-designed pattern on all of our Breathing Wear works with the Pro Camera’s patented computer vision technology to safely detect your baby’s breathing motion in any sleep position–without any sensors, electronics, or radars!–and sends real-time alerts should your little one need you.
Why parents love them:
- No sensors, electronics or radars
- Real-time alerts sent to the camera and the app*
- Breathing motion detected in almost any sleeping position
*Nanit is not a medical device. Nanit is a connected product designed and intended to continuously learn from the data it collects to help you understand your baby's sleep patterns. It is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease or other condition, including but not limited to, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). False positive or false negative readings about your baby’s breathing patterns are a potential risk of Nanit. Height measurements are assessed using computer vision algorithms and are estimated - Nanit makes no guarantee that they are 100% accurate. Medical decisions should never be made using Nanit growth data. Nanit should not substitute for the care and oversight of an adult or consultation with medical professionals.
- Made of soft, 100% cotton that’s machine-washable and dryer-safe
- Fits size newborn to 9 months with snug, secure fit
- Two-way zipper for fast, late-night diaper changes
- HSA/FSA eligible
The perks of Insights analytics
Nanit Insights unlocks the power of your baby’s sleep data recorded by the Pro Camera. Each camera purchase comes with one FREE year of Insights. Our plan levels are:
Insights Basic
Our introductory plan
- 2 days of video clips and sleep analysis
- Personalized sleep tips
- Memories (save up to 12 in baby book)
- Split Screen
- Alert Zone
- Picture in Picture
- Breathing Motion Monitoring
- Growth tracking with Smart Sheets
- Access for 2 users on your parenting team
Insights Premium
Our most popular plan. All Basic level features, PLUS:
- 30 days of video clips and sleep analysis
- Memories (save up to 200 in baby book)
- Continuous Video Recording
- Watch Them Grow
- Access for up to 10 users on your parenting team
Insights Ultimate
- Our deluxe, top-tier plan gives you unlimited access. All Premium level features, PLUS:
- Unlimited days of video clips AND sleep analysis
- One-on-one sleep coaching consultation*
- Memories (unlimited number of saves in baby book)
- Developmental Milestones
- Head and body position tracking
- Movement score
- Access for up to 50 users on your parenting team
*Currently in beta testing
The custom-designed pattern on all of our Breathing Wear works with the Pro Camera’s patented computer vision technology to safely detect your baby’s breathing motion in any sleep position–without any sensors, electronics, or radars!–and sends real-time alerts should your little one need you.
Why parents love them:
- No sensors, electronics or radars
- Real-time alerts sent to the camera and the app*
- Breathing motion detected in almost any sleeping position
*Nanit is not a medical device. Nanit is a connected product designed and intended to continuously learn from the data it collects to help you understand your baby's sleep patterns. It is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease or other condition, including but not limited to, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). False positive or false negative readings about your baby’s breathing patterns are a potential risk of Nanit. Height measurements are assessed using computer vision algorithms and are estimated - Nanit makes no guarantee that they are 100% accurate. Medical decisions should never be made using Nanit growth data. Nanit should not substitute for the care and oversight of an adult or consultation with medical professionals.
- Made of soft, 100% cotton that’s machine-washable and dryer-safe
- Fits size newborn to 9 months with snug, secure fit
- Two-way zipper for fast, late-night diaper changes
- HSA/FSA eligible
The perks of Insights analytics
Nanit Insights unlocks the power of your baby’s sleep data recorded by the Pro Camera. Each camera purchase comes with one FREE year of Insights. Our plan levels are:
Insights Basic
Our introductory plan
- 2 days of video clips and sleep analysis
- Personalized sleep tips
- Memories (save up to 12 in baby book)
- Split Screen
- Alert Zone
- Picture in Picture
- Breathing Motion Monitoring
- Growth tracking with Smart Sheets
- Access for 2 users on your parenting team
Insights Premium
Our most popular plan. All Basic level features, PLUS:
- 30 days of video clips and sleep analysis
- Memories (save up to 200 in baby book)
- Continuous Video Recording
- Watch Them Grow
- Access for up to 10 users on your parenting team
Insights Ultimate
- Our deluxe, top-tier plan gives you unlimited access. All Premium level features, PLUS:
- Unlimited days of video clips AND sleep analysis
- One-on-one sleep coaching consultation*
- Memories (unlimited number of saves in baby book)
- Developmental Milestones
- Head and body position tracking
- Movement score
- Access for up to 50 users on your parenting team
*Currently in beta testing
Vad skiljer Nanit åt

1080p HD-video

Se baby var som helst

Ljud- och rörelsevarningar

256-bitars AES-kryptering

Temperatur och luftfuktighet

2-vägsljud för att tala med baby

Vitt brus och lugnande ljud

Sov, nyskapande
Din familjs väg
till bättre sömn
Välkommen till en klassens bästa upplevelse som använder riktiga, personliga data för att säkerställa att föräldrar känner sig anslutna, informerade och stöttade.
ständigt innoverande.
Vår app är fylld med viktiga och nya funktioner för att vägleda dig, baserat på feedback från pålitliga Nanit familjer.

Stressa mindre funktioner
- Fullständig videohistorik* - Få åtkomst till din videohistorik och se bebisens mönster
- Delad skärm - Se två barn på en enhet samtidigt
- Bild i bild - Missa aldrig ett slag medan du multitasking
- Se dem växa* - Bebisens månatliga milstolpar, automatiskt fångad
*Insights Premium-funktion

Nanit-föräldrar får 36 fler nätter sömn per år
- Sömneffektivitetspoäng - Se kvaliteten på bebisens snoozesessioner
- Dagliga, veckovisa, månatliga analyser - Få helhetsbilden med en blick
- Sammanfattningar av tupplur och kvällar - Se och justera sömnrutiner för fantastiska dagar
- Rörelsekarta - Upptagna kroppar fångade på kameran!

Faktum: 71 % av Nanits föräldrar uppger att de känner sig mindre oroliga
- Håll kontakten var som helst
- Vet när din bebis behöver dig
- Andningsrörelseövervakning
- Koppla ihop ditt föräldrateam
Andningskläder för sinnesfrid

Passar bekvämt över de flesta PJ:er och sovsäckar. Det skräddarsydda mönstret på vårt andningsband fungerar med Pro Camera för att upptäcka andningsrörelsesensor utan rörelse!

Perfekt för nyfödda som ännu inte rullar över. Övervaka ditt barns andning och hjälp dem att sova bättre med vår mjuka, säkra swaddle.

Utmärkt för aktiva brudar efter att ha svängts, vår sovsäck håller de små varma och bekväma året runt. Upptäcker andningsrörelse i valfri position.
Ta inte bara vårt ord för det




"Hjälper oss verkligen att känna oss trygga när han sover, och minskar vår ångest. Dessutom kan vi få värdefulla insikter om hans sömnmönster!"
"Så skönt att kunna se barnets andning utan att behöva väcka dem. Ger mig så mycket sinnesro. Det bästa alternativet på marknaden. Verkligen."
"ÄLSKAR det här! Min son började sova på ansiktet en natt i det blå och vi hade det här praktiskt att sätta på honom. Har använt det sedan dess för att lugna mina nerver."